Tuesday, 1 January 2008

5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Bonne année tout le monde

I can’t believe 2007 is over and 2008 is here!! OMG
I must say what an amazing year it has been, I really can’t complain, I have had an Art Exhibition, conducted workshops in secondary schools via ACES, volunteered to teach Art at Milfields primary school, have been headhunted more than once, directed numerous shows, went to Greece, went to New York for the fashion week and sooooooooooooo much more!!
I would like to thank everybody who’s supported me and my lovely blogger readers who took time out to email me and wish me all the best for this New Year.
2008 looks like an even bigger and better year so watch this space guys!!
My New Year’s Eve:
I spent New Year’s Eve with my lovely girlfriends and lots of as we say ‘champers’. We all headed down to the Red Rooms in Holborn and made a real blast of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pics from the night:

Yes i was laughing really hard about something i don't remember(lol)

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