Saturday, 20 March 2010

The ‘No more excuses!’ Career breakfast

So I was invited by Sotonye Diri (Young Entrepreneur, author and motivational speaker) to take part as a role model for her No more excuses career breakfast today. I wasn’t sure what to expect as although I’ve been invited to motivational career days my main role has always been to just talk about what I do and the different areas I am involved in within the fashion industry. I assumed this would be similar except I would be talking directly with young people.

I arrived at the venue early in the morning, I had to have a strong cup of tea as usually I am still in bed at that time on a Saturday-lol. My week is so intense and my working hours are extremely long so I made a pact to myself that I would dedicate my weekends to getting plenty of rest and catching up with family and friends.

The venue was filled with eagerly awaiting young people hungry for advice and direction within their desired career paths. There was an excellent selection of role models with a couple of familiar faces. I thought ‘What a great event!’. I really wish that events like these existed when I was in school or college whereby you can just speak to different successful people from various career fields.

Above pic: Host Sotonye Diri

I spoke about my journey as an entrepreneur and managing to run two successful businesses, which was one of the questions asked by the attended students.

I also stressed the fact that the fashion industry certainly is not for the faint hearted nor about whether you can dress nice or get compliments on your appearance. It is a highly competitive and stressful industry so you really need to be passionate about the industry as a whole and persevere!

Above pic: Me and Celebrity Reporter Janelle

Amongst the role models also included Celebrity actress Antonia Okonma (Well known for her role in Bad Girls’), Debora (PA to British Iconic Fashion designer Zhandra Rhodes), Olympic Winner Tasha Danvers, Celebrity reporter Janelle Oswald and Many more.

Above pic: Myself with Christine from Fashion Girls productions and Maureen Gabriel (Independent massage therapist & Reiki).

Above pic: Deborah (PA to Zhandra Rhodes) and her amazing bow creation

A big congratulations goes out Sotonye Diri for putting on and hosting such a wonderful and successful event. I definitely recommend young people looking to get inspired to purchase one of her fabulous books.

For more information on Sotonye Diri visit:

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