Sunday, 1 June 2008

Pink LadiEs and MOrE

Yesterday was my first day at Truman Brewery market and the response to my cards was amazing. My boho chic card (below)appeared to be everyone’s favourite card which I was not expecting at all. I have also been commissioned to do a reproduction of a piece I done several years ago which I’m chuffed about!!! I guess its time for the Easel to come out once again :)

It was quite a windy day and guess what, I went and wore flip flops, what was I thinking??

I also went for a walk around the market and met so many other amazing designers and artists!! It was so great to be around a bunch of creative people.

Guess what I spotted when I went out to buy my lunch…

These two pink ladies posing effortlessly so had to take a pic.

Overall it was a fun yet tiring day :) I will be there again next Saturday so just say hi if you see me, I don’t bite…SEriouSly


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